A special issue of Sustainability
Deadline for manuscript submissions: June 1st 2020
Special issue information
The topic of agency in making the world a 'better place' is increasingly relevant, if not urgent. The aim of this Special Issue is to invigorate and, where possible, to integrate the debate on agency in sustainability transitions. In this respect, the Special Issue covers institutional actors, organizational actors, individual-level actors, as well as collective forms of sustainability agency.
In this light, we encourage submissions:
From across the disciplinary bases studying sustainability agency, be it environmental management, sustainability science, corporate social responsibility, management and organization, environmental psychology, sociology, law, political science, economics, or anthropology;
Conceptualizing sustainability (change) agency via theoretical development and synthesis;
Providing fresh empirical insights, and/or thorough reviews of existing bodies of knowledge, and/or theoretical developments on sustainability (change) agency;
From emerging and leading researchers in the study of sustainability agency, representing facets of sustainability agency from across the globe;
Studying sustainability agency at individual, group, organizational, and/or institutional levels of analysis
Please, find more information behind the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Change_Agency_Sustainability_Transitions
For further details on the submission process, please see the instructions for authors at the journal website (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/instructions).
With enthusiasm,
Satu, Katariina, Tiina & Marileena
Guest Editors